Insertion Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works the way
we sort playing cards in our hands.We sort the first two cards and then
place the third card in the appropriate position within the first two,
and then the fourth is positioned within the first three,and so until
the whole hand is sorted.
During an iteration,an element of the list is inserted into the sorted
portion of the array to its left.So,basically,for each iteration,we
have an array of sorted elements to the left,and an array of other
elements still to be sorted to the right.
for example :
the array is [4,1,5,2]
step1:[1,4,5,2],start with second element 1 and position it in the
"array" of the first two the left sorted array is [1,4]
step2:[1,4,5,2] the next element is 5,insert it properly two the left
array,then the left sorted array is [1,4,5]
step3: [1,2,4,5]the next element is 2,insert it properly two the left array
public void sortElement(int[] elements) { int length = elements.length; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ for(int j=i;j>0;j--){ if(elements[j]<elements[j-1]){ swap(elements,j,j-1); }else { break; } } } } private void swap(int[] elements, int j, int i) { int temp=elements[j]; elements[j]=elements[i]; elements[i]=temp; }