SOLID principles of Object-Oriented Design-面向对象设计的SOLID五大准则


## 单一职责原则 Single Responsibility Principle

A class should have one,and only one,reason to change.  


It is one of the basic principles most developers apply to build robust and maintainable software.You can not only apply it to classes,buit also to software compoments and microservices.  


- Benefits of the Single Responsibility principle

- 单一职责原则的好处  

The argument for the single responsibility principle is relatively simple:it makes your software easier to implement and prevents unexpected sise-effects of future changes.


## 开闭原则  Open/Closed Principle

open/closed principle is the most important principle of object-oriented design.Software entities(classes,modules,functions,etc) should be open for extension,but closed for modification.  


It uses interfaces instead of superclasses to allow different implementations which you can easify substitude without changing the code that use them.The interfaces are closed for midifications,and you can provide new implementations to extend the functionality of your software.  


The main benefit of this approach is that an interface introduces an additional level of abstraction which enables loose coupling. The implementations of an interface are independent of each other and don't need to share any code.  


## 里氏替换原则(LSP)  Liskov Substitution Principle

The Open/Closed Principle,is one of the key concepts in OOP that enables you to write robust,maintainable and reusable software components.But following the rules of that principle alone is not enough to ensure that you can change one part of your system without breaking other parts.your classes and interface also need to follow the liskov substitution principle to avoid and site-effects.  


It extends the Open/Closed Principle by focusing on the behavior of a superclass and its subtypes.


The principle defines that objects of a superclass shall be replaceable with objects of its subclassed without breaking the application.that requires the objects of your subclasses to behave in the same way as the objects of your superclass.  


- 遵循LSP案例


interface Database 
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array;

class SQLiteDatabase implements Database
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array
        // sqlite specific code

        return $result;

class MySQLDatabase implements Database
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array
        // mysql specific code

        return $result;

- 违反LSP案例


interface Database 
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array;

class SQLiteDatabase implements Database
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array
        // sqlite specific code

        return $result;

class MySQLDatabase implements Database
    public function selectQuery(string $sql): array
        // mysql specific code

        return ['result' => $result]; // This violates LSP !

## 接口隔离原则  Interface Segration Principle  

Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.


By following this principle,you prevent bloated interfaces that define methods for multiple responsibilities.As explained in the single responsibility principle,you should avoid classes and interfaces with multiple responsibilities because they change ofen and make your software hard to maintain.  


## 依赖倒置原则  Dependency Inversion Principle

DIP is based on Open/Closed Principle and Liskov substitution principle.The general idea of this principle is as simple as it is important:High-level modules,which provide complex logic,should be easily reusable and unaffected by changes in low-level modules,which provide utility features.To achieve that ,you need to introduce an abstraction that decouples the high-level and low-level modules from each other.  


Dependency Inversion Principle consists of two parts:

- High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules.Both should depend on abstractions.

- 高级别模块不应该依赖低级别模块,它们都应依赖抽象  

- Abstractions should not depend on details,Details should depend on abstractions.

- 抽象不应该依赖具体,具体应该依赖抽象。  

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